with us

Reach new audiences and communities through live events across the UK

Partnerships &

For funders

Science festivals rely on the participation and support of partners, sponsors and the community that they serve.

The UK Science Festivals Network allows funders to support programmes, events and activities that are featured at a number of festivals across the country.

This provides national engagement with new audiences and communities throughout the year and helps science festivals to inspire people to discover, enjoy and participate in science.


For content providers

Are you are developing a show, activity or installation with science content themes? Partnering with the UK Science Festivals Network allows you to tap into existing events and communities to reach large and diverse audieces.

The Network also offers content providers partnership and support for touring grants and other funding opporunities.


Our partners

UK Research and Innovation

UK Research and Innovation funded our recent community outreach collaborative project with UKSFN members.

Wellcome Centre for Human Genetics

The Wellcome Centre for Human Genetics provided funding to bring together festivals and researchers to codevelop public facing events exploring themes around genetics.

Previous Partner: Department for Business Innovation & Skills

The Department for Business Innovation & Skills provided funding for the development of the UK Science Festivals Network website.

Previous Partner: Royal Society of Chemistry

The Royal Society of Chemistry provided funding for the Science in Town Centres programme of science busking events, coordinated by the UK Science Festivals Network.

Previous Partner: UK Antarctic Heritage Trust

The UK Antarctic Heritage Trust have provided funding for UKSFN members to run events and projects around the Antarctic as part of the Antarctica In Sight programme.

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