We’re excited to announce that the full programme for UKSFN17 is live. Don’t forget to book your tickets and join us in Edinburgh on the 9 November to discuss all things science festivals…
Science Festivals in the UK
We begin the day with an introduction about the UK Science Festivals Network and how it has been trying to improve and expand the science festivals landscape across the country, including our work with the Audience Agency to segment and better understand our audiences.
Reaching new audiences
Recent projects have seen funders, festivals and community groups come together to reach new audiences from economically disadvantaged areas. Join them to discuss the successes, learnings and where the sector goes from here.
Getting with the programme
Programming content isn’t easy, but someone’s got to do it and without it, the show can’t go on. Explore the role diversity, collaboration and creativity can have in ensuring the most is made out of your Festival or event.
Growing pains
You’ve run your event a couple of times, what now? In this panel we will discuss how you develop your festival or event into something that is sustainable, but still relevant for your audiences. How can partnerships and effective evaluation help?
Get involved with the Science events showcase at the UKSFN Conference
We’re giving all conference attendees the chance to get the word out about their festival programme or science event! Take the opportunity to meet delegates and get a feel for other event organiser’s processes and programmes in this fast-paced expo. Each exhibitor will have thirty minutes and a table top to get the word out about what they do and how they do it. Half an hour into the hour-long session the current exhibitors will all switch to let fresh exhibitors in to display. Remember: If it doesn’t fit on a table top, it isn’t allowed! If you’re attending the conference and are interested in showcasing your Festival or event then please get in contact with info@sciencefestivals.uk
Scanning the horizon
As we attempt to sum up the conversations over the day, we ask what’s next for festivals? What are the challenges and opportunities for the UK and what can we learn from our colleagues in the US?