We are happy to announce the launch of a new brand and website for the UK Science Festivals Network.
The UKSFN has been running for several years, maintaining contact between festival members and driving the sector forward. The UKSFN now meets several times a year to discuss issues and organise funding and content distribution.
The new brand is designed to be striking and recognisable to funders and potential stakeholders. Members are able to use the special ‘member mark’ to display their membership online and on printed information. We aim to make the UKSFN logo a quality mark for science festival content. Find out more about membership here.
The new brand also marks the start of the UKSFN’s management by the British Science Association. With support from the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, the BSA will build the UKSFN to include all festivals with science content in the UK. Find out more about our aims here.
Alongside the new brand we are also launching a new membership scheme for festivals that include science content. The membership cycle will run from September 1 to August 31. Each year we will choose a new way to contribute to the UKSFN, to make sure the membership requires active participation in the UKSFN and its activities. In 2015/16, members are required to collect the first part of visitors’ postcodes, which will be used to plot the spread and appeal of science festivals and help to identify any gaps in geographical coverage.